1000 Year Conspiracy (historical roots of Nazism)

This is 's rare and amazing book The Thousand-Year Conspiracy - Secret Germany Behind the Mask (1943) which is probably one of the biggest exposes of the historical roots of what later became known as Nazism. From the origins of German chauvinism to the ascent of the Teutonic Knights within Germanic society which ultimately spawned the Nazi movement, Winkler skillfully traces the enablers of the dark side of the German character. Labelling them “Prusso-Teutonics” he notices that in their pursuit of Pan-German goals they do not hesitate to deal in a cynical and ruthless manner with their own citizens if necessary. The author goes deep into the history of medieval knights and related secret societies which served as a base for both political and economic philosophies of the later Nazi movement. Although writing in 1943, Winkler foresaw that the Prusso-Teutonics would realize their goals through the creation of a German-dominated central European economic union (bearing a striking resemblance to today’s European Monetary Union.) Of particular note for contemporary Americans is Winkler’s account of the deliberate, Machiavellian manipulation of the German economy by Hjalmar “Horace Greeley” Schacht, the American-born financier who eventually became the finance minister of the Third Reich. Especially worth taking into account is how Schacht restructured the German economy with an eye to driving the citizenry to such a point of hysteria that they would willingly follow the likes of Hitler. Will the American people respond to the eventual, inevitable “correction” of the perilous U.S. debt situation as the German people did to the runaway inflation of the 1920’s? Will the American people lend their support to a “man on a white horse” as did the Germans of the 1920’s and 1930’s? A masterpiece of historical analysis, this fascinating book provides essential background for comprehending the genesis of German totalitarian movement known as Nazism. 375 pages. A must read for everyone.